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Know where to invest your time and money with our Wholesale Analysis tool.

Harness the power of DataSpark’s Wholesale Analysis tool, directly on the platform you know and love: Google Sheets. Upload wholesale product lists to see extensive performance data and find profitable, fast-selling products on Walmart.

Wholesale Analysis

Instantly know the ROI, profit margin, and net profits.
We factor in all of your expenses (fulfillment costs, Walmart fees, and more) and show you exactly what you’ll net on each sale.

Tired of running wholesale sheets? Upgrade and we’ll run an unlimited number of sheets for you.

Upgrade to our “Power Plus” package and our team will run unlimited analysis’ for you. We make it simple:

1) Upgrade your subscription to “Power Plus”
2) Upload your files (unlimited)
3) We’ll email you your analysis within 48 hours

Let's Get Started!

Watch the tutorial below to get started with our Wholesale Analysis tool.